About the Author

My name is Dustin and I am a husband, father, eater of pizza and tacos, a solutions engineer and I occasionally write on this site.

Part of the Xennial micro-generation, I was born into an analog world but experienced a digital adolescence. I used vinyl records when they were cool the first time (but also now as they have become cool a second time) and I had no problem setting the clock on a VCR, or even programming it. It wasn’t until late high school that I realized that computing and the Internet would be where I’d spend my time.

In college I earned a degree in Computer Information Systems with a minor in Computer Science. On paper, this meant I understood how to design, build and even program complex computer systems and quantify their cost in business terms. While today’s computing world is very different than the one I was trained in, the conceptual aspects have remained the same. Today, I still enjoy working with complex systems but I now use modern tools like Terraform, Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes. I have spent some years strictly writing software but I feel most at home dealing with the hardware side.

Whenever I can, I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others by writing about it here or at work with my colleagues.

Outside of work I like to collect music, both in CD and Vinyl formats, fly drones/quadcopters and traveling with my family.