
Lots of great stuff came out of the Nintendo press conference at E3. I was able to read the live blog as it happened over on gamespot.com and here are a few of the highlights I picked out.

  • Mario Kart Wii coming and will be online sometime next spring and will include a plastic steering wheel attachment for the controller
  • Similar to the cheesy plastic steering wheel attachment offered with MKW a “zapper” has been create that allows you to attach the remote and nunchuk to a gun shaped thing. This allows you to move your character with the nunchuck and aim on screen with the remote. FPS games would be the major use here. Sold separately this item is $20
  • SSBB will be released December 3rd, online play as everyone already knew.
  • Madden 08 and FIFA 08 will both be online
  • Super Mario Galaxy to be released November 12
  • Lots of new games for the DS, Wii Fit for the Wii. Uses a pressure sensitive, wireless pad to determine how/where you’re standing. Interesting idea.
  • A new channel called Check Mii Out where you can vote on Mii’s created by others. No details on how it works or when it would be available, maybe it’s available now?

For complete info, head over to gamespot.com and read up on their E3 coverage. Lots of news for Xbox and PS3 fans as well.

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