…but you never really know how awful it was until you see it up close. A video was posted that later made it to digg.com of the planes hitting the towers on 9/11. The video of the second plane hitting is zoomed in very close and you can almost feel the impact of it just watching the video. I can’t imagine what it was like actually being there, or worse.

Well, the video was removed, so this is no good 🙁

I’m not much of a TV watcher yet I appreciate devices like the TiVO and DVRs and have always wanted one. The problem is, sometimes I’m really cheap, I don’t want to pay for a TiVO and I really don’t want to pay a recurring fee just to get a program guide. Being the techie geek I am I also want to be able to watch recorded TV shows on other devices and again, pay nothing for it.

MythTV to the rescue. (http://mythtv.org)

MythTV has existed for a number of years now and I’ve given it a try multiple times. Each time I gave up on it any one of a few reasons and it usually could have been resolved by throwing more money at the project. I usually hit two snags with my MythTV setup. One of the reasons was, where do I put a loud computer that isn’t too far away to hook up to the TV (for those times when I *did* want to watch a show on the TV) but most of the time it was because I didn’t have enough computing power to do transcoding, better known as, the ability to pause live TV. This was a real bummer to me because it’s one of the key features of any DVR, any VCR can record a TV show, but only a DVR can pause live TV.

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Here is, the first post in my blog. What a dandy. I kept hearing about this WordPress and I’ve always heard it’s about as good as it gets. I decided I better jump on the bandwagon and get going with it. I’ve tried a few times to start up a blog, this is probably attempt three now, and each time I find that I never post to it. I usually tell myself that I don’t have time, but the real reason might be because I’m just not that interesting. We’ll see.